9.2. lhcb#

Import functions that are specifically for this LHCb analysis.

load_model(model_file: Path | str, particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle], model_id: int | str = 0) AmplitudeModel[source]#
load_model_builder(model_file: Path | str, particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle], model_id: int | str = 0) DalitzPlotDecompositionBuilder[source]#
load_three_body_decay(resonance_names: Iterable[str], particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle], min_ls: bool = True) ThreeBodyDecay[source]#
class ParameterBootstrap(filename: Path | str, decay: ThreeBodyDecay, model_id: int | str = 0)[source]#

Bases: object

A wrapper for loading parameters from model-definitions.yaml.

property values: dict[str, complex | float | int]#
property uncertainties: dict[str, complex | float | int]#
create_distribution(sample_size: int, seed: int | None = None) dict[str, complex | float | int][source]#
load_model_parameters(filename: Path | str, decay: ThreeBodyDecay, model_id: int | str = 0, particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle] | None = None) dict[Indexed | Symbol, complex | float][source]#
load_model_parameters_with_uncertainties(filename: Path | str, decay: ThreeBodyDecay, model_id: int | str = 0, particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle] | None = None) dict[Indexed | Symbol, MeasuredParameter][source]#
flip_production_coupling_signs(obj: _T, subsystem_names: Iterable[Pattern]) _T[source]#
compute_decay_couplings(decay: ThreeBodyDecay) dict[Indexed, MeasuredParameter[int]][source]#

Template for the parameter type of a for MeasuredParameter.

alias of TypeVar(‘ParameterType’, complex, float)

class MeasuredParameter(value: ParameterType, hesse: ParameterType, model: ParameterType | None = None, systematic: ParameterType | None = None)[source]#

Bases: Generic[ParameterType]

Data structure for imported parameter values.

MeasuredParameter.value and hesse are taken from the supplemental material, whereas model and systematic are taken from Tables 8 and 9 from the original LHCb paper [1].

value: ParameterType#

Central value of the parameter as determined by a fit with Minuit.

hesse: ParameterType#

Parameter uncertainty as determined by a fit with Minuit.

model: ParameterType | None#

Systematic uncertainties from fit bootstrapping.

systematic: ParameterType | None#

Systematic uncertainties from detector effects etc..

property uncertainty: ParameterType#
get_conversion_factor(resonance: Particle) Literal[-1, 1][source]#
get_conversion_factor_ls(resonance: Particle, L: Rational, S: Rational) Literal[-1, 1][source]#
parameter_key_to_symbol(key: str, min_ls: bool = True, particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle] | None = None) Indexed | Symbol[source]#
extract_particle_definitions(decay: ThreeBodyDecay) dict[str, Particle][source]#

Submodules and Subpackages