9.4. decay#

Data structures that describe a three-body decay.

class Particle(name: str, latex: str, spin: SupportsFloat, parity: Literal[-1, 1], mass: float, width: float)[source]#

Bases: object

name: str#
latex: str#
spin: Rational#
parity: Literal[(-1, 1)]#
mass: float#
width: float#
class IsobarNode(parent: Particle, child1: Particle | IsobarNode, child2: Particle | IsobarNode, interaction: LSCoupling | tuple[int, SupportsFloat] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

parent: Particle#
child1: Particle | IsobarNode#
child2: Particle | IsobarNode#
interaction: LSCoupling | None#
property children: tuple[Particle, Particle]#
class ThreeBodyDecay(states: OuterStates, chains: tuple[ThreeBodyDecayChain, ...])[source]#

Bases: object

states: OuterStates#
chains: tuple[ThreeBodyDecayChain, ...]#
property initial_state: Particle#
property final_state: dict[Literal[1, 2, 3], Particle]#
find_chain(resonance_name: str) ThreeBodyDecayChain[source]#
get_subsystem(subsystem_id: Literal[1, 2, 3]) ThreeBodyDecay[source]#
get_decay_product_ids(spectator_id: Literal[1, 2, 3]) tuple[int, int][source]#

Mapping of the initial and final state IDs to their Particle definition.

alias of Dict[Literal[0, 1, 2, 3], Particle]

class ThreeBodyDecayChain(decay: IsobarNode)[source]#

Bases: object

decay: IsobarNode#
property parent: Particle#
property resonance: Particle#
property decay_products: tuple[Particle, Particle]#
property spectator: Particle#
property incoming_ls: LSCoupling#
property outgoing_ls: LSCoupling#
class LSCoupling(L: int, S: SupportsFloat)[source]#

Bases: object

L: int#
S: Rational#