# cspell:ignore modelparameters modelstudies
# pyright: reportConstantRedefinition=false
"""Import functions that are specifically for this LHCb analysis.
.. seealso:: :doc:`/cross-check`
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import re
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from math import sqrt
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, Iterable, Pattern, TypeVar
import attrs
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import yaml
from attrs import frozen
from sympy.core.symbol import Str
from polarimetry.amplitude import (
from polarimetry.decay import IsobarNode, Particle, ThreeBodyDecay, ThreeBodyDecayChain
from polarimetry.spin import filter_parity_violating_ls, generate_ls_couplings
from .dynamics import (
from .particle import PARTICLE_TO_ID, Σ, K, Λc, p, π
from pathlib import Path
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import Literal
[docs]def load_model(
model_file: Path | str,
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle],
model_id: int | str = 0,
) -> AmplitudeModel:
builder = load_model_builder(model_file, particle_definitions, model_id)
model = builder.formulate()
imported_parameter_values = load_model_parameters(
model_file, builder.decay, model_id, particle_definitions
return model
[docs]def load_model_builder(
model_file: Path | str,
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle],
model_id: int | str = 0,
) -> DalitzPlotDecompositionBuilder:
with open(model_file) as f:
model_definitions = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
model_title = _find_model_title(model_definitions, model_id)
model_def = model_definitions[model_title]
lineshapes: dict[str, str] = model_def["lineshapes"]
min_ls = "LS couplings" not in model_title
decay = load_three_body_decay(lineshapes, particle_definitions, min_ls)
amplitude_builder = DalitzPlotDecompositionBuilder(decay, min_ls)
for chain in decay.chains:
lineshape_choice = lineshapes[chain.resonance.name]
dynamics_builder = _get_resonance_builder(lineshape_choice)
amplitude_builder.dynamics_choices.register_builder(chain, dynamics_builder)
return amplitude_builder
def _find_model_title(model_definitions: dict, model_id: int | str) -> str:
if isinstance(model_id, int):
if model_id >= len(model_definitions):
msg = (
f"Model definition file contains {len(model_definitions)} models, but"
f" trying to get number {model_id}."
raise KeyError(msg)
for i, title in enumerate(model_definitions):
if i == model_id:
return title
if model_id not in model_definitions:
msg = f'Could not find model with title "{model_id}"'
raise KeyError(msg)
return model_id
def _get_resonance_builder(lineshape: str) -> DynamicsBuilder:
if lineshape in {"BreitWignerMinL", "BreitWignerMinL_LS"}:
return formulate_breit_wigner
if lineshape == "BuggBreitWignerExpFF":
return formulate_exponential_bugg_breit_wigner
if lineshape in {"BuggBreitWignerMinL", "BuggBreitWignerMinL_LS"}:
return formulate_bugg_breit_wigner
if lineshape in {"Flatte1405", "Flatte1405_LS"}:
return formulate_flatte_1405
msg = f'No dynamics implemented for lineshape "{lineshape}"'
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs]def load_three_body_decay(
resonance_names: Iterable[str],
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle],
min_ls: bool = True,
) -> ThreeBodyDecay:
def create_isobar(resonance: Particle) -> list[ThreeBodyDecayChain]:
if resonance.name.startswith("K"):
child1, child2, spectator = π, K, p
elif resonance.name.startswith("L"):
child1, child2, spectator = K, p, π
elif resonance.name.startswith("D"):
child1, child2, spectator = p, π, K
raise NotImplementedError
prod_ls_couplings = generate_ls(Λc, resonance, spectator, conserve_parity=False)
dec_ls_couplings = generate_ls(resonance, child1, child2, conserve_parity=True)
if min_ls:
decay = IsobarNode(
return [ThreeBodyDecayChain(decay)]
chains = []
for dec_ls, prod_ls in itertools.product(dec_ls_couplings, prod_ls_couplings):
decay = IsobarNode(
return chains
def generate_ls(
parent: Particle, child1: Particle, child2: Particle, conserve_parity: bool
) -> list[tuple[int, sp.Rational]]:
ls = generate_ls_couplings(parent.spin, child1.spin, child2.spin)
if conserve_parity:
return filter_parity_violating_ls(
ls, parent.parity, child1.parity, child2.parity
return ls
resonances = [particle_definitions[name] for name in resonance_names]
chains: list[ThreeBodyDecayChain] = []
for res in resonances:
return ThreeBodyDecay(
states={state_id: particle for particle, state_id in PARTICLE_TO_ID.items()},
[docs]class ParameterBootstrap:
"""A wrapper for loading parameters from :download:`model-definitions.yaml </../data/model-definitions.yaml>`."""
def __init__(
filename: Path | str,
decay: ThreeBodyDecay,
model_id: int | str = 0,
) -> None:
particle_definitions = extract_particle_definitions(decay)
symbolic_parameters = load_model_parameters_with_uncertainties(
filename, decay, model_id, particle_definitions
self._parameters = {str(k): v for k, v in symbolic_parameters.items()}
def values(self) -> dict[str, complex | float | int]:
return {k: v.value for k, v in self._parameters.items()}
def uncertainties(self) -> dict[str, complex | float | int]:
return {k: v.uncertainty for k, v in self._parameters.items()}
[docs] def create_distribution(
self, sample_size: int, seed: int | None = None
) -> dict[str, complex | float | int]:
return _smear_gaussian(
[docs]def load_model_parameters(
filename: Path | str,
decay: ThreeBodyDecay,
model_id: int | str = 0,
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle] | None = None,
) -> dict[sp.Indexed | sp.Symbol, complex | float]:
parameters = load_model_parameters_with_uncertainties(
filename, decay, model_id, particle_definitions
return {k: v.value for k, v in parameters.items()}
[docs]def load_model_parameters_with_uncertainties(
filename: Path | str,
decay: ThreeBodyDecay,
model_id: int | str = 0,
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle] | None = None,
) -> dict[sp.Indexed | sp.Symbol, MeasuredParameter]:
with open(filename) as f:
model_definitions = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
model_title = _find_model_title(model_definitions, model_id)
min_ls = "LS couplings" not in model_title
parameter_definitions = model_definitions[model_title]["parameters"]
parameters = _to_symbol_value_mapping(
parameter_definitions, min_ls, particle_definitions
decay_couplings = compute_decay_couplings(decay)
return parameters
def _smear_gaussian(
parameter_values: dict[str, complex | float],
parameter_uncertainties: dict[str, complex | float],
size: int,
seed: int | None = None,
) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]:
value_distributions = {}
for k, mean in parameter_values.items():
std = parameter_uncertainties[k]
distribution = _create_gaussian_distribution(mean, std, size, seed)
value_distributions[k] = distribution
return value_distributions
def _create_gaussian_distribution(
mean: complex | float,
std: complex | float,
size: int,
seed: int | None = None,
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
if isinstance(mean, complex) and isinstance(std, complex):
return (
rng.normal(mean.real, std.real, size)
+ rng.normal(mean.imag, std.imag, size) * 1j
if isinstance(mean, (float, int)) and isinstance(std, (float, int)):
return rng.normal(mean, std, size)
raise NotImplementedError
_T = TypeVar("_T")
_K = TypeVar("_K")
_V = TypeVar("_V")
[docs]def flip_production_coupling_signs(obj: _T, subsystem_names: Iterable[Pattern]) -> _T:
if isinstance(obj, AmplitudeModel):
return attrs.evolve(
parameter_defaults=_flip_signs(obj.parameter_defaults, subsystem_names),
if isinstance(obj, ParameterBootstrap):
bootstrap = deepcopy(obj)
bootstrap._parameters = _flip_signs(bootstrap._parameters, subsystem_names) # type: ignore[reportPrivateUsage]
return bootstrap
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return _flip_signs(obj)
raise NotImplementedError
def _flip_signs(
parameters: dict[_K, _V], subsystem_names: Iterable[Pattern]
) -> dict[_K, _V]:
pattern = rf".*\\mathrm{{production}}\[[{''.join(subsystem_names)}].*"
return {
key: _flip(value) if re.match(pattern, str(key)) else value
for key, value in parameters.items()
def _flip(obj: _V) -> _V:
if isinstance(obj, MeasuredParameter):
return attrs.evolve(obj, value=_flip(obj.value))
return -obj
[docs]def compute_decay_couplings(
decay: ThreeBodyDecay,
) -> dict[sp.Indexed, MeasuredParameter[int]]:
H_dec = get_indexed_base("decay")
half = sp.Rational(1, 2)
decay_couplings = {}
for chain in decay.chains:
R = Str(chain.resonance.name)
if chain.resonance.name.startswith("K"):
decay_couplings[H_dec[R, 0, 0]] = 1
if chain.resonance.name[0] in {"D", "L"}:
child1, child2 = chain.decay_products
if chain.resonance.name.startswith("D"):
coupling_pos = H_dec[R, +half, 0]
coupling_neg = H_dec[R, -half, 0]
coupling_pos = H_dec[R, 0, +half]
coupling_neg = H_dec[R, 0, -half]
decay_couplings[coupling_pos] = 1
decay_couplings[coupling_neg] = int(
* child1.parity
* child2.parity
* (-1) ** (chain.resonance.spin - child1.spin - child2.spin)
return {
symbol: MeasuredParameter(value, hesse=0)
for symbol, value in decay_couplings.items()
def _to_symbol_value_mapping(
parameter_dict: dict[str, str],
min_ls: bool,
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle],
) -> dict[sp.Basic, complex | float]:
key_to_value: dict[str, MeasuredParameter] = {}
for key, str_value in parameter_dict.items():
if key.startswith("Ar"):
identifier = key[2:]
str_imag = parameter_dict[f"Ai{identifier}"]
key = f"A{identifier}"
indexed_symbol: sp.Indexed = parameter_key_to_symbol(
key, min_ls, particle_definitions
resonance_name = str(indexed_symbol.indices[0])
resonance = particle_definitions[resonance_name]
if min_ls:
conversion_factor = get_conversion_factor(resonance)
_, L, S = indexed_symbol.indices
conversion_factor = get_conversion_factor_ls(resonance, L, S)
real = _to_value_with_uncertainty(str_value)
imag = _to_value_with_uncertainty(str_imag)
parameter = _form_complex_parameter(real, imag)
key_to_value[key] = attrs.evolve(
value=conversion_factor * parameter.value,
elif key.startswith("Ai"):
key_to_value[key] = _to_value_with_uncertainty(str_value)
return {
parameter_key_to_symbol(key, min_ls, particle_definitions): value
for key, value in key_to_value.items()
def _to_value_with_uncertainty(str_value: str) -> MeasuredParameter[float]:
>>> _to_value_with_uncertainty('1.5 ± 0.2')
MeasuredParameter(value=1.5, hesse=0.2, model=None, systematic=None)
>>> par = _to_value_with_uncertainty('0.94 ± 0.042 ± 0.35 ± 0.04')
>>> par
MeasuredParameter(value=0.94, hesse=0.042, model=0.35, systematic=0.04)
>>> par.uncertainty
float_values = tuple(float(s) for s in str_value.split(" ± "))
if len(float_values) == 2:
return MeasuredParameter(
if len(float_values) == 4:
return MeasuredParameter(
msg = f"Cannot convert '{str_value}' to {MeasuredParameter.__name__}"
raise ValueError(msg)
def _form_complex_parameter(
real: MeasuredParameter[float],
imag: MeasuredParameter[float],
) -> MeasuredParameter[complex]:
def convert_optional(real: float | None, imag: float | None) -> complex | None:
if real is None or imag is None:
return None
return complex(real, imag)
return MeasuredParameter(
value=complex(real.value, imag.value),
hesse=complex(real.hesse, imag.hesse),
model=convert_optional(real.model, imag.model),
systematic=convert_optional(real.systematic, imag.systematic),
ParameterType = TypeVar("ParameterType", complex, float)
"""Template for the parameter type of a for `MeasuredParameter`."""
class MeasuredParameter(Generic[ParameterType]):
"""Data structure for imported parameter values.
`MeasuredParameter.value` and `~.MeasuredParameter.hesse` are taken from the
`supplemental material <https://cds.cern.ch/record/2824328/files>`_, whereas
`~.MeasuredParameter.model` and `~.MeasuredParameter.systematic` are taken from
`Tables 8 and 9 <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2208.03262.pdf#page=21>`_ from the original
LHCb paper :cite:`LHCb-PAPER-2022-002`.
value: ParameterType
"""Central value of the parameter as determined by a fit with Minuit."""
hesse: ParameterType
"""Parameter uncertainty as determined by a fit with Minuit."""
model: ParameterType | None = None
"""Systematic uncertainties from fit bootstrapping."""
systematic: ParameterType | None = None
"""Systematic uncertainties from detector effects etc.."""
def uncertainty(self) -> ParameterType:
if self.systematic is None:
return self.hesse
if isinstance(self.value, float):
return sqrt(self.hesse**2 + self.systematic**2)
return complex(
sqrt(self.hesse.real**2 + self.systematic.real**2),
sqrt(self.hesse.imag**2 + self.systematic.imag**2),
[docs]def get_conversion_factor(resonance: Particle) -> Literal[-1, 1]:
# https://github.com/ComPWA/polarimetry/issues/5#issue-1220525993
half = sp.Rational(1, 2)
if resonance.name.startswith("D"):
return int(-resonance.parity * (-1) ** (resonance.spin - half))
if resonance.name.startswith("K"):
return 1
if resonance.name.startswith("L"):
return int(-resonance.parity)
msg = f"No conversion factor implemented for {resonance.name}"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs]def get_conversion_factor_ls(
resonance: Particle, L: sp.Rational, S: sp.Rational
) -> Literal[-1, 1]:
# https://github.com/ComPWA/polarimetry/issues/192#issuecomment-1321892494
if resonance.name.startswith("K") and resonance.spin == 0:
return 1
half = sp.Rational(1, 2)
cg_flip_factor = int((-1) ** (L + S - half))
return get_conversion_factor(resonance) * cg_flip_factor
[docs]def parameter_key_to_symbol( # noqa: C901, PLR0911, PLR0912, PLR0915
key: str,
min_ls: bool = True,
particle_definitions: dict[str, Particle] | None = None,
) -> sp.Indexed | sp.Symbol:
H_prod = get_indexed_base("production", min_ls)
half = sp.Rational(1, 2)
if key.startswith("A"):
# https://github.com/ComPWA/polarimetry/issues/5#issue-1220525993
R = _stringify(key[1:-1])
subsystem_identifier = str(R)[0]
coupling_number = int(key[-1])
if min_ls:
# Helicity couplings
if subsystem_identifier in {"D", "L"}:
if coupling_number == 1:
return H_prod[R, -half, 0]
if coupling_number == 2:
return H_prod[R, +half, 0]
if subsystem_identifier == "K":
if str(R) in {"K(700)", "K(1430)"}:
if coupling_number == 1:
return H_prod[R, 0, +half]
if coupling_number == 2:
return H_prod[R, 0, -half]
if coupling_number == 1:
return H_prod[R, 0, -half]
if coupling_number == 2:
return H_prod[R, -1, -half]
if coupling_number == 3:
return H_prod[R, +1, +half]
if coupling_number == 4:
return H_prod[R, 0, +half]
# LS-couplings: supplemental material p.1 (https://cds.cern.ch/record/2824328/files)
if particle_definitions is None:
msg = (
"You need to provide particle definitions in order to map the"
" coupling IDs to coupling symbols"
raise ValueError(msg)
resonance = particle_definitions[str(R)]
if subsystem_identifier in {"D", "L"}:
if coupling_number == 1:
return H_prod[R, resonance.spin - half, resonance.spin]
if coupling_number == 2:
return H_prod[R, resonance.spin + half, resonance.spin]
if subsystem_identifier == "K":
if resonance.spin == 0: # "K(700)", "K(1430)"
if coupling_number == 1:
return H_prod[R, 0, half]
if coupling_number == 2:
return H_prod[R, 1, half]
if coupling_number == 1:
return H_prod[R, 0, half]
if coupling_number == 2:
return H_prod[R, 1, half]
if coupling_number == 3:
return H_prod[R, 1, 3 * half]
if coupling_number == 4:
return H_prod[R, 2, 3 * half]
if key.startswith("alpha"):
R = _stringify(key[5:])
return sp.Symbol(Rf"\alpha_{{{R}}}")
if key.startswith("gamma"):
R = _stringify(key[5:])
return sp.Symbol(Rf"\gamma_{{{R}}}")
if key.startswith("M"):
R = _stringify(key[1:])
return sp.Symbol(Rf"m_{{{R}}}")
if key.startswith("G1"):
R = _stringify(key[2:])
return sp.Symbol(Rf"\Gamma_{{{R} \to {p.latex} {K.latex}}}")
if key.startswith("G2"):
R = _stringify(key[2:])
return sp.Symbol(Rf"\Gamma_{{{R} \to {Σ.latex} {π.latex}}}")
if key.startswith("G"):
R = _stringify(key[1:])
return sp.Symbol(Rf"\Gamma_{{{R}}}")
if key == "dLc":
return sp.Symbol(R"R_{\Lambda_c}")
msg = f'Cannot convert key "{key}" in model parameter JSON file to SymPy symbol'
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def _stringify(obj) -> Str:
if isinstance(obj, Particle):
return Str(obj.name)
return Str(f"{obj}")
[docs]def extract_particle_definitions(decay: ThreeBodyDecay) -> dict[str, Particle]:
particles = {}
def update_definitions(particle: Particle) -> None:
particles[particle.name] = particle
for chain in decay.chains:
return particles