"""Data structures that describe a three-body decay."""
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict
from attrs import field, frozen
from attrs.validators import instance_of
from polarimetry._attrs import assert_spin_value, to_ls, to_rational
import sympy as sp
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import Literal
class Particle:
name: str
latex: str
spin: sp.Rational = field(converter=to_rational, validator=assert_spin_value)
parity: Literal[-1, 1]
mass: float
width: float
class IsobarNode:
parent: Particle
child1: Particle | IsobarNode
child2: Particle | IsobarNode
interaction: LSCoupling | None = field(default=None, converter=to_ls)
def children(self) -> tuple[Particle, Particle]:
return self.child1, self.child2
class ThreeBodyDecay:
states: OuterStates
chains: tuple[ThreeBodyDecayChain, ...]
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
expected_initial_state = self.initial_state
expected_final_state = set(self.final_state.values())
for i, chain in enumerate(self.chains):
if chain.parent != expected_initial_state:
msg = (
f"Chain {i} has initial state {chain.parent.name}, but should have"
f" {expected_initial_state.name}"
raise ValueError(msg)
final_state = {chain.spectator, *chain.decay_products}
if final_state != expected_final_state:
to_str = lambda s: ", ".join(p.name for p in s) # noqa: E731
msg = (
f"Chain {i} has final state {to_str(final_state)}, but should have"
f" {to_str(expected_final_state)}"
raise ValueError(msg)
def initial_state(self) -> Particle:
return self.states[0]
def final_state(self) -> dict[Literal[1, 2, 3], Particle]:
return {k: v for k, v in self.states.items() if k != 0}
[docs] def find_chain(self, resonance_name: str) -> ThreeBodyDecayChain:
for chain in self.chains:
if chain.resonance.name == resonance_name:
return chain
msg = f"No decay chain found for resonance {resonance_name}"
raise KeyError(msg)
[docs] def get_subsystem(self, subsystem_id: Literal[1, 2, 3]) -> ThreeBodyDecay:
child1_id, child2_id = get_decay_product_ids(subsystem_id)
child1 = self.final_state[child1_id]
child2 = self.final_state[child2_id]
filtered_chains = [
for chain in self.chains
if chain.decay_products in {(child1, child2), (child2, child1)}
return ThreeBodyDecay(self.states, filtered_chains)
[docs]def get_decay_product_ids(spectator_id: Literal[1, 2, 3]) -> tuple[int, int]:
if spectator_id == 1:
return 2, 3
if spectator_id == 2:
return 3, 1
if spectator_id == 3:
return 1, 2
msg = f"Spectator ID has to be one of 1, 2, 3, not {spectator_id}"
raise ValueError(msg)
OuterStates = Dict[Literal[0, 1, 2, 3], Particle]
"""Mapping of the initial and final state IDs to their `.Particle` definition."""
class ThreeBodyDecayChain:
decay: IsobarNode = field(validator=instance_of(IsobarNode))
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
if not isinstance(self.decay.child1, IsobarNode):
msg = f"Child 1 has of type {IsobarNode.__name__} (the decay)"
raise TypeError(msg)
if not isinstance(self.decay.child1.child1, Particle):
msg = f"Child 1 of child 1 has of type {Particle.__name__}"
raise TypeError(msg)
if not isinstance(self.decay.child1.child1, Particle):
msg = f"Child 1 of child 1 has of type {Particle.__name__}"
raise TypeError(msg)
if not isinstance(self.decay.child2, Particle):
msg = f"Child 2 has of type {Particle.__name__} (spectator)"
raise TypeError(msg)
if self.incoming_ls is None: # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryComparison]
msg = "LS-coupling for production node required"
raise ValueError(msg)
if self.outgoing_ls is None: # pyright: ignore[reportUnnecessaryComparison]
msg = "LS-coupling for decay node required"
raise ValueError(msg)
def parent(self) -> Particle:
return self.decay.parent
def resonance(self) -> Particle:
return self.decay.child1.parent
def decay_products(self) -> tuple[Particle, Particle]:
return (
def spectator(self) -> Particle:
return self.decay.child2
def incoming_ls(self) -> LSCoupling:
return self.decay.interaction
def outgoing_ls(self) -> LSCoupling:
return self.decay.child1.interaction
class LSCoupling:
L: int
S: sp.Rational = field(converter=to_rational, validator=assert_spin_value)